Wal-Mart Starts Selling iPad
Tomorrow, Friday, Oct. 15
iPads arrive in many Wal-Marts on Friday, opening another huge sales channel to consumers just in time for the Holiday Season. For tonight, you can order an iPad for pickup in the store at Walmart online
You can price check the iPads at: here at BestBuy and then, here at Target.
For those who want to avoid the shopping crowds, you can have Amazon deliver your new iPad to your door.
iPads 'Killing' Amazon With Kindness,
Boosting Kindle eBook Sales to Records
By Tom Dulaney, Editor
Amazon ebooks are selling like mad—and iPad users are a big part of Amazon's success. The Los Angeles Times spread the news in a report on a survey by Cowen and Co.
Amazon dominates ebook sales. Cowan analyst Jim Friedland and Kevin Kopelman wrote the Cowen report. They project Amazon will log 76% of all ebook sales for all of 2010. The Apple iStore will get only 5%, they predict. By 2015, they forecast, Amazon will hold onto 51% of the market, and Apple will grab 16%.
Those are percentages of a rapidly grown ebook marketplace. Digital book sales have grown by astounding numbers, ranging from monthly hikes of 140% or more since spring 2010. Cowen forecasts ebook sales by Amazon, alone, this year will be up 95% over last year, racking up $701 million in ebook receipts by New Year's Day.
Plus, Cowen estimates sales of the Kindle ebook reader will be up 140% to 5 million units this year compared to 2009.
The iPad is boosting Amazon's ebook fortunes, Cowen says. “Many assumed [the iPad] would be end of story for Amazon.com's Kindle Book Store and its black-and-white reader,” Friedland and Kopelman say.
Instead, iPad owners are buying loads of ebooks from the Amazon Kindle Store. “Greasing those book sales,” the LA Times writes, “are Amazon's Kindle app for iPhone and iPad....You don't have to have a Kindle to buy a Kindle book.”
In fact, the Cowen report says, one in five people who buy digital books in the Kindle store don't own a Kindle.
“The "iPad is not having a negative impact on Kindle device or e-book sales," according to the report. "In fact, we think the adoption of tablets will boost Kindle e-book sales."
It's no surprise that Cowen found most iPad owners get their ebooks the easy way, direct from Apple's iBookstore. About 60% of iPad owners who buy ebooks get them from Apple. But an impressive 31% of iPad users buy their ebooks from Amazon most of the time.
Readers who buy more than 24 books a year are even more inclined to shop Amazon: 44% prefer using the Kindle books on the iPad, compared with 47% of iPad ebook buyers who prefer shopping the iBookstore. “Virtually a dead heat,” the LA Times' Alex Pham reported. “So it seems we're into only the first chapters of the ebook wars.”
Note From the Editor of Planet iPad
Readers will quickly discover that Planet iPad displays a split personality of sorts. We feature lots of information that pertains to the Amazon Kindle. You might suddenly think you've left the world of iPad and wandered into Kindle Nation. Take heart: You're not lost! In fact, you're in the same galaxy--users of Connected Devices. ConDevs include iPads, cell phones, Kindles, and any other interactive toy the developers create.
The media might wave the "Kindle vs. iPad" flag in your face to get your attention. iPad owners are not abiding by the dictates of the latest headline or "breaking news" TV tidbit. Loads of iPad owners also own Kindles. And cell phones, including iPhones. Our report on Connected Device users about a recent Nielsen survey of device users bears this out.
Some 20% of Kindle owners who responded to a Kindle Nation Daily survey in August said they own an iPad, too. Nearly all own cell phones, with a high percentage of them using smartphones like the iPhone and Android. In this tempestuous time, the marketplace is sorting out who uses what device to do which thing.
The pundits want to sell you the black and white, winner or loser point of view: Which will win, iPad or Kindle? We're past the headline hype of "Is iPad a Kindle Killer?" and have moved to the latest: "Is the Adroid The Kindle and iPad Killer?"
Well, no one knows the future, despite what they claim. At the moment, Amazon Kindles are great ebook readers--and so are iPads. A just-released report by Cowen and Co. reveals Amazon makes 76% of all ebook sales now. And 31% of iPad owners buy their books from the Amazon Bookstore, Cowen adds. "One in five people who buy books in the Amazon Store don't have a Kindle," the Cowen survey found. (Click for Planet iPad's extended coverage of the Cowen report.)
Clearly, the iPad is extensively used as an ebook reader. Choose between the Kindle and the iPad, or the Android or iPhone? In huge numbers, users are saying: "Not one, but some of the above, if not all of the above."
The iPad is the "younger sister" of the Kindle in serving ebook buyers, just arriving in the ebook market this year. Likewise, Planet iPad is the (little) sister blog and iPad news source of Kindle Nation Daily, which is the top news source for Amazon Kindle owners--and anyone buying reading matter from the Amazon Bookstore. That includes all users of Connected Devices-- iPads, iPhones, iPod Touches,Androids, the nearest computer, and more.
So, Planet iPad grows out of the book-centric history of it's big sister, Kindle Nation Daily. Reading books on iPads is part of our blog "heritage," and big part of how owners use their iPads. But, of course, the iPad has its unique horizons: the apps, the imagery, the "sights and sounds of TV with the interactivity" of the computer, as a Nielsen representative put it.
So that's why you'll see a great deal of reporting here on Planet iPad by the knowledgeable staff of Kindle Nation Daily. As Planet iPad evolves in its new incarnation, you'll see a lot of unique reporting about all those other non-book-reading and exciting areas and uses of the iPad.
That said, here is the last treasure trove of wonderful--and often free--reading for you to enjoy on your iPad. --Tom Dulaney, Editor-in-Chief. But first, something from George W. Bush.
And now, the W-Book!
Decision Points
Bush Memoir, Now Available for $9.99 Pre-Order
And So Is the Deluxe Enhanced eBook Edition!
For all who have been waiting for the latest contribution to our literature by an American ex-president, the much-anticipated Bush-43 memoir Decision Points
will be released November 9 in two different e-book editions. According to the publisher's press release, "The book is a chronicle of the fourteen most critical and historic decisions in the life and public service of the 43rd President of the United States."
The standard e-book Kindle edition will contain the complete print edition text and photographs and is already available for pre-order here at a discounted price of $9.99
, compared with the "list price" of $35 for both print and ebook editions.
Equally interesting is the fact that, at least for now, the deluxe ebook edition is also available for pre-order in the Kindle Store for $9.99
as of late afternoon Tuesday, October 11. I strongly recommend ordering that deluxe edition right away if you are interested in getting it at the $9.99 price, because it may not last. Amazon is currently discounting the hardcover edition by 46 percent to $18.90.
The deluxe edition edition
with audio and video enhancements will be released for platforms and devices that support such media, including the Kindle app for iPhone and iPad. (When I placed a pre-order, the Kindle Store did not restrict devices based on the capacity to display video.) The deluxe edition will include:
- Videos from the defining moments of the Bush presidency, including President Bush's inspiring speech to 9/11 rescue workers, intimate Bush family movies, and a special introduction to the edition by the President himself
- Handwritten letters from President Bush's personal correspondence
- Full texts of President Bush's most important speeches, including his addresses to the nation about the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and his Second Inaugural
- More than 50 additional photographs not contained in the print edition
Free Book Alerts Updated Today
Planet iPad Free Book Alert, Wednesday, October 13: The title story from Angie Chau's collection of "serenely stirring stories," Quiet As They Come, plus a book that could change the way you think about your health, your energy, your metabolism, and ... yes ... your weight: Eugene Wells' The Decaf Diet: Is Caffeine Making You Fat? (Today's Sponsor), and over 100 more fully updated and category-sorted free Kindle Store ebook listings
Planet iPad Free Book Alert, Wednesday, October 13: The title story from Angie Chau's collection of "serenely stirring stories," Quiet As They Come, plus a book that could change the way you think about your health, your energy, your metabolism, and ... yes ... your weight: Eugene Wells' The Decaf Diet: Is Caffeine Making You Fat? (Today's Sponsor), and over 100 more fully updated and category-sorted free Kindle Store ebook listings
Today's latest addition to our Kindle Store listings of free contemporary books shows a nice, positive, gentle touch by author, publisher, and Amazon as we get the title story in a highly rated and well-reviewed collection of short stories by Vietnam native and San Francisco Bay Area resident Angie Chau (pictured at right). "Serenely stirring stories from Vietnamese-American Chau track the breaking asunder of an extended Vietnamese boat family newly arrived in California in the 1970s," said Publisher's Weekly in a starred review.
You can pick up the title story free for a limited time in our newly renovated Free Book Alert listings below, and if you enjoy it you can download the full collection
for $9.99....
But first ... a word from our sponsor....
(Publisher's Note: Forgive me if I seem to be channeling Oprah here, but where life-changing books are concerned I've noticed that, for me at least, the value of an author's message corresponds rather directly to the authenticity and resonance of that author's story. Eugene Wells' story resonates deeply with me, so I suppose it is no surprise that I am taking his book to heart. It may also be no surprise to iPad Planet readers that I am trying to cut down further on a caffeine habit that has come down considerably from the 10+ cups a day that I used to imbibe in my 20s to a still-too-high 5-6 cups a day. --S.W.)
Here's what author Eugene Wells says about how he came to write The Decaf Diet: Is Caffeine Making You Fat?
A few years ago, after gaining 35 pounds in 6 months, I began to suspect that there was a connection between my newly acquired caffeine habit and my weight gain. This suspicion led me to find a number of connections between caffeine and overeating, and also a number of ways to minimize caffeine's contribution to overeating, while keeping the level of caffeine consumption constant.
Through The Decaf Diet
, I would like to share with you all the information I discovered that helped me lose those 35 pounds, so that you are also able to lose weight and stay trim and healthy without quitting caffeine altogether. You should be fully informed when it comes to the caffeine-containing beverages we drink every day, and so I hope you find the book to be informative and helpful in reaching your health and body composition goals. --Eugene Wells
Through The Decaf Diet
by Eugene Wells
5.0 out of 5 stars (3 customer reviews) - Kindle Price: $2.99 - Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
In The Decaf Diet
, Eugene Wells explains how coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate are making a large contribution to the obesity epidemic. Wells explains how caffeine drives overeating while hindering weight loss, and in doing so he empowers readers to decide for themselves just to what extent caffeine should control their waistlines.
In The Decaf Diet
you will learn how caffeine makes you overeat, reduces your muscle mass, slows your metabolism, keeps your stress and insulin levels elevated, and can negatively affect thyroid function. You will also learn how to painlessly decrease or eliminate your caffeine intake for rapid weight loss, and how to reduce caffeine's fattening properties when you do have it.
In The Decaf Diet
The Decaf Diet is your guide to optimal caffeine use for achieving and maintaining a lean physique. Eugene Wells explains how to minimize caffeine's fattening effects by picking the best caffeine sources, by timing your caffeine intake, and by implementing nutritional support, mood support, and exercise. This is an invaluable guide for the coffee drinker who seeks to stay trim without quitting.
Click on the title to download The Decaf Diet: Is Caffeine Making You Fat?
(or a free sample) to your iPad with the free Kindle app and start reading within 60 seconds!
UK Kindle customers: click on the title to download The Decaf Diet: Is Caffeine Making You Fat?
Each day's list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
Authors, Publishers, iPad Accessory Manufacturers:
Interested in learning more about sponsorship? Just click on this link for more information.
The 25 Newest Free Book Titles in the Kindle Store

By: Angie Chau
Added: 10/13/2010 4:01:25am
This free offering is the title story from a highly rated, well-reviewed collection, Quiet As They Come
, which is available in the Kindle Store for $9.99
This free offering is the title story from a highly rated, well-reviewed collection, Quiet As They Come

By: Sheila Weller
Added: 10/12/2010 4:01:08am

By: Christopher Cerf
Added: 10/12/2010 4:01:08am

By: Trent Hamm
Added: 10/11/2010 8:17:57am

By: Bill Hybels
Added: 10/11/2010 8:17:57am

By: Paul W. Farris
Added: 10/11/2010 8:17:57am

By: Charles W. Bamforth
Added: 10/11/2010 8:17:57am

By: Ryan Howes
Added: 10/11/2010 8:17:57am

By: Martha I. Finney
Added: 10/11/2010 8:17:57am

By: Francine Saint Marie
Added: 10/05/2010 4:01:23am

By: Baker Publishing Group
Added: 10/04/2010 4:01:11am

By: Bruce Springsteen
Added: 10/03/2010 2:01:31pm

By: Thelma Wells
Added: 10/01/2010 4:01:02am
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