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Author Teresa Burrell brings real-world experience as a lawyer and pro bono advocate for children and families without the means to pay a lawyer to this mystery that begins with two kids in need and leads to murder.
by Teresa Burrell
4.5 Stars - 11 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Here's the Set-Up:
Suffering from the mysterious disappearance of her brother five years before, Sabre Brown has handled nearly every case imaginable as a children’s legal advocate. That is, until her partner gives her the easiest case on the roster—advocating for two children taken from their parents after a potentially abusive argument.
Sabre’s gut tells her there’s more amiss than meets the eye, and her gut is rarely wrong. As she digs into the history of this broken family, Sabre discovers a web of deceit, corruption, and murder that spans the continent.
Sabre Brown is back in the thick of it once more in The Advocate's Betrayal, now available in the Kindle Store. Don't miss it.
4.5 Stars - 14 Reviews
From the Review:
The author's experience as a juvenile attorney is evident in the gritty realism of this mystery/legal thriller. This is the first book in the Advocate series and has been re-released by her new publisher. The protagonist, Sabre Orin Brown, is a juvenile defense attorney working hard for her clients welfare, while trying to solve a grizzly crime. If you want a book written by an attorney with real first hand knowledge of the judicial system, then pick up this book.
About the Author:
Teresa Burrell has dedicated her life to helping children and their families in both the courtroom and the classroom.
As an attorney in San Diego, Burrell maintained a private law practice for twelve years, which specialized in domestic, criminal, and civil cases. Her work in juvenile court focused on representing abused minors and juvenile delinquents. Burrell has received several awards and special recognition from the San Diego Bar Association for her countless hours of pro bono work with children and their families.
Burrell has also enjoyed a satisfying career as a teacher. She has taught children of all ages with diverse backgrounds and special needs. After creating an after-school program that kept kids off the street, she received a community service award.
Check out Teresa Burrell's Author's Page here.
Visit the web site for the Advocate Series by Teresa Burrell
Visit the web site for the Advocate Series by Teresa Burrell
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The Advocate
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