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For some people working in the family business means suits, power lunches, and afternoon meetings. For Wes Darling it was guns, lies, and dead bodies.
by Mike Jastrzebski
4.5 out of 5 stars (15 customer reviews)
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here's the setup:
For some people working in the family business means suits, power lunches, and afternoon meetings. For Wes Darling it was guns, lies, and dead bodies.
The Darling Detective Agency was founded in 1876 by Aaron ‘Dusty’ Darling. Now Wes’s chain smoking, stressed out mother is grooming Wes to take over. How does he handle his mother’s demands? He heads to Key West, moves onto a sailboat, and takes a job tending bar at a little joint called Dirty Alvin’s.
Life is carefree until his mother’s lover, a man who mentored Wes for years, is murdered on a Key West Beach. Reluctantly, Wes is drawn into a spinning web of murder, sex and deceit. First there are his mother’s pleas for help. Throw in a six-foot-tall red-headed stripper, a retired mobster who acts like it’s the 1940’s, a pair of dim-witted hit men, a phobic psychic named Elvis, a small fortune in stolen diamonds, and what do you have? Mayhem in Key West.
From the Author:
In September of 2003 my wife, Mary, and I moved aboard our 36-foot Sailboat, Rough Draft. It was our intention to take the boat south from Minnesota to warmer climates where I would write a novel.
We sailed the boat through the inland river system from Minnesota to Mobile, Alabama where we lived for two years. We also spent three months living in Key West. Currently, the boat is docked in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. In 2011 we will take the boat to the Caribbean where we plan to drift until it is no longer fun.
In the time we've lived on the boat I have completed three mystery novels. It was my intention to find an agent and a publisher. After careful consideration I have decided to publish these books as e-books. The Storm Killer is a historical thriller and Key Lime Blues is a mystery set in current day Key West. Dog River Blues will be available this year.
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