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The yards are beautiful, the houses pristine. Behind the curtained windows and welcoming front doors are soccer Moms putting up a front to hide the brutal past or depressing present. Add a new face, a sexy Mom unlike the others, and the lid blows off.
by Cathryn Grant
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Here's the set-up:
A seemingly quiet suburban neighborhood is upended when a provocative single mother saunters onto the school playground for the first time. Her Doc Marten boots, tight T-shirts, and in-your-face attitude stir up buried fears and sexual anxiety.
In the dark corners of her home, a woman battles crippling memories that threaten to destroy the family she wants so desperately to protect. A suspicious death forces her best friend to make a hard choice between marriage and friendship.
Paranoia, jealousy, and maternal instinct collide, leading to the demise of the soccer moms.
Suburban Noir - where the mundane is menacing.
About the Author:
Cathryn Grant's short fiction has appeared in Alfred Hitchcock and Ellery Queen Mystery Magazines. Her short story, "I Was Young Once" received an honorable mention from Joyce Carol Oates in the 2007 Zoetrope All-story Short Fiction contest.
Her second novel, BURIED BY DEBT, will be released in November 2011.
One reader said this about her Suburban Noir fiction: "She makes the mundane menacing."
From Grant's SuburbanNoir.com site:
Here you’ll find a fictional world populated by individuals who are obsessed, paranoid, desperate to find happiness and clinging to their sense of security. Sometimes, they find redemption.
In its heyday, Noir Fiction illustrated a subterranean stream of discontent, a sense that the so-called “good life” wasn’t really that good — that it was actually quite toxic, because it was based on envy, greed and materialism.
Suburban Noir can be thought of as a sub-genre of psychological suspense. The characters are wounded and flawed, yearning for something they can’t define. A few of them are more than a bit off balance, driven to crime by mental and emotional forces they’re unable to control.
Behind the veneer of manicured yards, designer furniture and vacations, fast-paced careers and super-children lurks envy, greed and materialism. Beneath that? Fear
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The Demise of the Soccer Moms
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