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Abandoned by her mother, Amanda chases after her missing grandmother, who against doctor's orders has gone fly fishing. A terrifying event on the way changes everything.
by Randy Kadish
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Here's the set-up:
From the book
Now, as I approach the autumn of my life and some, though not all, of my dreams have come true, how do I describe myself? As a wife and a mother who loves her family, as an attorney who admires the law, and as a fly fisher who proudly says she learned from the greatest fly fisher she ever knew: her grandmother.
And whether by accident or not, my grandmother, with the help of some unexpected and dark events, taught me something even more important than fishing, something that, even after such a long, long parade of days, I still cherish, like an antique fly rod, and wish to pass on.
The lesson happened in the middle of trout season, on the first day of summer, when several incidents came together, perhaps randomly, and formed the big event of June twenty-first. I was fourteen years old and very, very hurt and angry.
Why, you ask? ...
Ebook Description:
When her mother deserts her to be with a new man, Amanda is hurt and betrayed. She loses faith in the world. To soothe her pain, she retreats into fly fishing, until she learns that her loving grandmother has terminal cancer.
Amanda struggles to find answers. Then one day she discovers that her grandmother, against the doctor’s orders, has gone fishing somewhere on the Junction River. Frightened, Amanda, along with Shana, her adopted dog, and Vernon, a grieving alcoholic, searches the river—but marches into an unexpected, terrifying event that, in a surprising way, helps her learn to forgive, and to see the good in the world.
From the Author:
I'm a native New Yorker. After a good deal of disappointment, I gave up writing. Then my mother passed away, and I found that fishing helped ease my grief. Almost accidently, I wrote, then sold, a fishing article. Afterwards, my articles and memoirs appeared in many publications, including The Flyfisher, Flyfishing & Tying Journal and Yale Anglers' Journal.
To me, much of my writing is about coming to terms with loss, and with a world I can't always understand. In a sense, my writing is autobiographical, as it reflects my own gratifying, but at times, difficult journey of emotional and spiritual recovery.
On the long road of my journey, I slowly learned that, even when I don't have answers, I must strive to find forgiveness and self-worth, and to connect to the good and the beautiful in the world. (This is how I define spirituality.)
I therefore love books where the main characters struggle against inner and outer conflicts, and try to do good.--Randy Kadish.
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