It's rare but it happens: As of 5:30 p.m. today, no new free ebooks appeared in Amazon's Kindle Store today. That's not a complaint, as you will see below that the list is still full of more ebooks than any individual could possibly read, and that's only the additions to the Kindle Store in the last month. The editor has used (abused?) this opportunity to present his annotated list of favorites from the larger, Gary Ponzo's thriller, A Touch of Deceit, is gaining popularity and rave reviews, now up to 32 of them giving the book a solid 5-Star rating....
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Winner of the Southwest Writers Novel Contest, Thriller category!
Winner of the Southwest Writers Novel Contest, Thriller category!
by Gary Ponzo
5 Stars - 32 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Here's The Set-Up:
FBI agent Nick Bracco can't stop a Kurdish terrorist from firing missiles at random homes across the country. The police can't stand watch over every household, so Bracco recruits his cousin Tommy to help track down this terrorist. Tommy is in the Mafia. Oh yeah, it gets messy fast. As fast as you can turn the pages.
Bracco is an FBI agent with a terrorist on his tail.
Normally he would rely on his team of anti-terrorist agents to protect him and his wife, but they're severely restricted by the Constitution.
Fortunately his cousin Tommy doesn't have as many restrictions. He's in the Mafia. And nobody messes with Tommy's family.
Lawmen and Hitmen team up in the surprise hit of the year, "A Touch of Deceit."
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A Touch of Deceit
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A Touch of Deceit
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Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store
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Free Book Alert Special Feature
By Tom Dulaney, Editor-in-Chief
It's about as rare an event as a solar eclipse, but some days there are no brand new free ebooks posted to the Amazon Kindle Store. We cannot complain, since a typical week brings a dozen or so new free books for us to browse and grab if they appeal to us. After all, free books do not always remain free for long.
Since this is one of those days, and since the entire list of over 220+ free ebooks follows, I am taking this opportunity to give you my annotated list of my "quick grabs" and personal favorites from the last month or so.
I snapped up Delirious after reading about it on sister blog Kindle Nation Daily. The publisher--my boss--is heck on prequels in most cases. But this one, which fronts a $9.99 pre-order for the full book, got a nod from the boss and made me look. The pre-order page is loaded with raves from some of my favorite authors: Lescroart, Lee Child, Tess Gerritsen, and Steve Berry. If they think enough of this thriller to put their reputations on the line, I'm in--at least for the free prequel. Looks good, but haven't had time to read it yet.

By: Daniel Palmer
Added: 02/05/2011 3:01:08am
The Greatest Knight grabbed me because it's based on a true-life knight, William Marshall, and set in the 12th Century. Began reading it, really like it. And it is great to have another century to spend time in, away from the woes of the 21st Century for a break.

By: Elizabeth Chadwick
Added: 02/04/2011 3:01:14am
I personally like novels with the guts to look at religious figures from a different point of view. Never mind that the point of view here seems to be from one standing on their head, the game plan of the book intrigues and I grabbed it for future reading.

By: Matt Mikalatos
Added: 01/30/2011 3:01:14am
There is nothing sweeter to me than finding a brand new author whom I instantly love. Ruth Downie snagged me with this freebie, Medicus, telling the tale of Ruso, a doctor in the Roman Legion occupying Britain when the British were still running around in furs with blue painted faces. Great story, beautifully written, a solidly entertaining mystery cum historical fiction. Medicus seduced me and I bought the remaining books in the series.
By: Ruth Downie
Added: 01/29/2011 3:01:07am
I looked twice at the Apothecary's Daughter, then decided to give it a whirl. Again, I found an author unknown to me that I love. Its cover presents a soft image of a woman in the days of Regency England and it can easily be mistaken for a Romance. Instead, it is a wonderful historical fiction with romantic overtones and events included.
By: Julie Klassen
Added: 01/01/2011 4:01:17am
I've read most of Patterson's books--a huge investment, considering his volume and yearly output. Frankly, he is getting a bit "same old same old" to me, but that is a personal prejudice. This free preview gives me a chance to see if I want to contribute more to Patterson's bulging treasury. Patterson is pushing it in TV ads.
By: James Patterson
Added: 12/23/2010 4:02:04am
Though it's a so called "young adult" title for the aforementioned Patterson, I am hooked on the Maximum Ride series about genetically altered kids with wings who fly about escaping from evil forces. More of my money for Patterson.

By: James Patterson
Added: 12/21/2010 2:02:09pm
I grabbed the eBook Insider to see what it was all about. It is all about pushing Knopf Doubleday's books. That's OK, as the volume includes interesting interviews and articles about the authors.

By: Editors and Authors at Knopf Doubleday Publishing
Added: 12/14/2010 4:01:07am
People, by the millions, love Jackie Collins. I wanted to see why and got Santangelo Story to reveal the draw.

By: Jackie Collins
Added: 12/10/2010 2:01:07pm
I've read a number of Scottoline's books and enjoyed them. Grabbed this "backstory" to learn more.

By: Lisa Scottoline
Added: 12/10/2010 4:01:10am
Figuring the President's economic report would be more terrifying than any Stephen King novel, I downloaded this one. It is still unread. Too scary.
By: Council of Economic Advisers
Added: 11/21/2010 9:01:58am
I really like J.A. Konrath and his mysteries. Got Serial by way by him, under one of his several pen names. If you like your horror bloody and graphic, it's for you. I passed after reading half of it, and thank Konrath/Kilborn for giving me the chance to try and buy. I chose the try and flee option, but people tell me I am a wus.

By: Jack Kilborn
Added: 11/21/2010 9:01:58am
Having published books and short stories on Amazon, I downloaded Amazon's guide on how to do so after the fact. Bad timing. This guide gives you the barest of bare bones instructions on how to publish a book, short story, or article to Amazon's Kindle Store. It works just great as a guide--unless something goes wrong. Then you have to spend an enormous amount of time in forums to straighten it all out.
Note: An infuriating issue at Amazon comes to play with this book. Make that issues. According to Amazon, a new revised edition of this guide appeared in January 2011. If you can find it on Amazon, let me know where. The only one I can locate is the March 2010 original.
Also, another issue: If you downloaded the 2010 issue, you cannot easily get the revision--if and when it shows up. Amazon is wrangling with the issue of how to give readers revised editions in a way that will not eradicate readers' bookmarks and notes. I went around and around with Amazon online, was emailed instructions on how to get the new edition pushed to my Kindle, and followed the instructions as to who to call. Those I called had no idea of how to do it, and could not find a new edition, either. Not to complain, because Amazon does a great job in self-publishing. In time it will be worked out in typical, fine Amazon form.

Added: 10/05/2010 4:01:23am
Now, Back To Our Usual Free Book Listings
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