Here's the set-up for Stilettos No More:
Award-winning humorist Diana Estill is often compared with "the late, great Erma Bombeck," but with an edgy 21st-century twist. We welcome with this take-no-prisoners collection of humor essays readers are calling "Laugh Out Loud Funny!"
In this collection of essays, award-winning humorist Diana Estill shares her wacky views on the years between mini-skirts and "Mee-maw" panties, tells the truth about "shapewear," and offers advice on "how to talk so that your spouse will listen" and other mysteries. Lamenting she's "put up with this thong enough," Estill invokes her inner fashion critic as she tackles midlife with both eyes squinted.
The reviewers are saying:
Stilettos No More
seems to cover every topic that a woman will face as she hits her middle ages. From looks, to cooking, to shopping, to relationships, this book has it all. Being that it is just sixty pages, you would assume that it would be a fast read, but it is not. I spent way too much time laughing and being grateful that I don't have a weak bladder.
Sometime around 50 you realize you've said goodbye to your youth and hello to world of body shapers, random hair growth and senior specials - whether you want them or not. You can spiral into a funk or you can laugh. Stilettos No More
helps you laugh, and laugh and laugh! Diana Estill takes a humorous look at life from the top of the hill looking down. The age hill, that is.
--"Reviews, by Readers, for Readers"
Sometime around 50 you realize you've said goodbye to your youth and hello to world of body shapers, random hair growth and senior specials - whether you want them or not. You can spiral into a funk or you can laugh. Stilettos No More
Some humor collections have peaks and valleys. This book is a steady stream; each essay flowing into the next, each just as funny or funnier than the one before it. Extremely well-crafted. A snappy read, Stilettos No More
--Jamie Engle
Diana Estill is the author of three humor books, including Deedee Divine's Totally Skewed Guide to Life, a ForeWord Book of the Year Finalist and International Book Awards Winner (humor category). As a former journalist and columnist, her articles and commentary have appeared in major newspapers, magazines, and journals.
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