By Stephen Windwalker, Publisher
The cat is now fully out of the bag on the official announcement that Oprah Winfrey will make later today that her Oprah's Book Club selection #65 is a Charles Dickens two-fer: A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations: Two Novels
The cat is now fully out of the bag on the official announcement that Oprah Winfrey will make later today that her Oprah's Book Club selection #65 is a Charles Dickens two-fer: A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations: Two Novels
You can now order the Kindle edition for immediate download for $7.99 from the Kindle Store, and -- how cool is this? -- you can also click here to make an immediate electronic gift of the two-novel ebook to anyone with an email address. No Kindle Required.
The Penguin paperback is also available for $11 (discounted from $20) in the Amazon print bookstore, and -- this won't last long -- its sales ranking as of noon today stood at #276,463. There are also numerous free or inexpensive copies of these novels available via the Charles Dickens page in the Kindle Store.
Oprah's show today will focus on her latest Oprah's Book Club pick, her rapprochement with Jonathan Franzen, and a giveaway of free Kindles to the members of her studio audience.
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